Christmas in New York City

I love New York City!  Audrey and I lived in Manhattan for ten years after we graduated from college.  We made our way back to Rhode Island after William and Alex were born, but there’s a piece of my heart there.  I love going back!


Christmas is probably my favorite time in the city.  I love the decorations in the store windows, I think it reminds me of my childhood when we’d all pack in the car and my mom and dad would take us to downtown Pittsburgh. We’d park and walk past Kaufmann’s, Gimbels, Horne’s and Saks stopping to take in the windows and see the tree lit up at Point Park.


Fast forwards 35 years and I get to take these goobers on adventures of our own.  Don’t get me wrong, they bitch and moan just like I’m sure I did when I was a kid, but I hope we’re making memories.

This year we got into the city at 11:30.  We checked into the hotel and walked up to Rockefeller Center.  We figured that it would be dead at that time.  We figure wrong!  It was a zoo.  A sea of humanity.  I guess in hindsight it makes sense.  It was the weekend before New Years and the city was packed.


Fortunately we got our picture just moments before the tree went out for the night!  I have a ton of video I took of the trip and am working on putting something together.  Look out for that over the weekend to see what other adventures we had.



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